Three's Company

My bestie moved in!!

And while for some the thought of rooming with their best friend can be exhilarating, when you add that the others boy(girl)friend is also a member of the household then things can sometimes get a little tricky. Nonetheless, I have the fortune of rooming with TWO of my best friends! ^_^

Our dysfunctional family.

And while it's all fun in the beginning to room with friends, neck and eye rolling can strike at any moment when boundaries and rules aren't put forth. For example...have yo rent money on time; you cook, you clean; who ever drinks of the last of the milk buys the next gallon(Tammy) and puh-lease knock before you enter unless you want to possibly see things you can never unsee.

Now when the Manfriend comes into play, such as in our case, other sets of boundaries may need to be applied. Nick and I love to have date nights at least once a week. They can consist of but, are not limited to, watching a sappy movie in the living room and/or cooking a delicious meal or going out for dinner and a movie. While dating at home Tammy may want to lock herself in her room and play Words with Friends(she's seriously a Words with Friends addict!) or whatever else she pleases, unless she's comfortable with watching our PDA aka black on black love.

With those stipulations in place, living arrangements should be all happy and fun times for all!!

Now when it comes to the copious amounts of girlie laughter and randomness, there is nothing the third party can do but deal with it! ;)
In those cases, Nick happily nerds out on one of his many MMO games and/or comic books.

So far happy times have been had by all and we're treated with a Tammy Smoothie every other night after practice! I don't foresee any eye or neck rolling going on anytime unless it's because I'm beating Tammy at Words with Friends. haha ;)

How do you all feel about rooming with a best friend? How were/are the living arrangements going?

Share your experiences!



D & I drove down to Orlando for Full Blown Soul.
Some of the happenings :P


the fruit-props


more on this later...



Moving Day

... is fast approaching. And it's hectic. Of course, the goal was to have weeks to move at a nice and paced out tempo. Of course, work had to get nuts right around that time... and the last month was spent focused on the computer monitor and not on my mountainous terrain of an apartment.

Dawnette gave me that "I told you so" text last night as I sent my worried vibes to her over the phone. Down to the last minute again. Now the last two times I moved, it was a super-rushed move. Hmm, the most recent time, I didn't take a day off work, moved in the evening / middle of the night, and filled the U-Haul with plastic grocery bags full of stuff. Ugh, didn't wanna do that one again... but I might just have to. Except in larger bags. Like giant garbage bags.

I've been trying to use this move as an opportunity to sort and trash some stuff. It's funny the things you want to keep when you first move out, that seem completely insignificant now. On the other hand, I'm a pack rat, and I have a lot that I wanna have with me, but won't touch until I'm 60 or something. Or maybe if I have kids one day. If, not when, people.

Anyway, the craziest part of the whole deal is that I have to fit an entire 1 bedroom apartment into a bedroom that's smaller than my 1 bedroom apartment's bedroom. Of course, there's some leeway, since the day bed and some of the arts/crafts stuff (I have TOO much of that) will go in the spare bedroom (thaaaank goodness). That will be our creative room / guestroom when people visit. I can't fill the whole room up though!

Either way, the challenge became VERY real when I brought down two filled up giant plastic bags full of sneakers, and realized that I still had lots left at the apt. Where in the WORLD are these sneakers going to go!? They took up a good chunk of my living room in the last apt.

My girls Dawnette and Paula will be helping with the move, as well as the boys. I'm hoping to get everything fairly organized tomorrow so all the boys really gotta worry about is dragging crap out of the apartment and stuffing it into the U-Haul, then vice versa once we get it all down to Morrow. To Morrow. Not tomorrow. Though... by that point, it might be... tomorrow? Ok nevermind.

Pictures of the adventure and craziness will follow. I promise. Because I need to document the proof of my genius as I shrink down the crap into my bedroom. If I succeed.



Who Eats This Stuff?!?!

So, I said in the first post that we got distracted halfway through with something. That something was Dawnette's dinner. Or what resulted from her dinner. Cheeeck it ouut :P

what is this specimen that looks like an organism under a microscope? It was how instant mashed potatoes apparently get on the side of the pot after a short while. That's all I gotta say.

Check out Dawnette's reaction to it. Haha, she was dying. And she had goose bumps like crazy from it. This was a milder shot of her expression, as I was trying to sneak a photo while she thought I was shooting the veininess.

Yep yep!!!


Oh Lawdy

... We don't even know what post 1 is about. But... we knew we were gonna make a blog. We've known that for a long time. So, what's this blog? This is the breeding grounds of lots of... well... squishy yellow things. No, we didn't open up a chickery... or whatever you'd call a chicken coop here in Atlanta.

The name came spontaneously when Dawnette came out of her room after I had just made some foodage.

Now, to fully understand this situation, you have to realize that Dawnette has been due to get new contacts for, I don't know, as long as I've known her, and that's been a rather looooong shortish while. She often doesn't have her glasses on, 'cause she's not as blind as me and as dependent on eyeball-aides as I am. So, being bgirls, when we dance, she doesn't wear her glasses. That brings up a looot of other stories. For a later time.

Now, Dawnette came out of her room, saw a little somethin' on the floor in the kitchen, knelt over, picked it up and, "... what is this squishy yellow thing?". It was a piece of corn. From the food I made. That had suicided onto the vinyl kitchen floor. And was found by Dawnette.

Yep. Squishy Yellow Things. The things that people all miss and overlook, don't see, or don't notice, that just catch your eye and your attention and stop you for a moment in your busy life. It's those little things and those little moments that Dawnette and I die over. For example, we just took a break from writing this blog 'cause we got caught up with another "squishy." That will be a separate post, we promise. We already took pictures of it.

So, welcome to the birth of the recording of our world.
Dawnette, you keep me sane by sharing all the insanity with me :}

Cheers cheers!

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Behind the Squishes

Dawnette is a witch, but don't tell the Salem Witch Trials that. She's a miracle worker who massages the insanity out of people's muscles. Also, she's a bgirl, family therapist (for her family), my best friend (yes this is Tammy, aka Cadence, writing this), and a buncha other amazing things. I couldn't stay sane without her. Srrrsly.
Tammy is...hmmm...a force..srrrsly. Drawing, photography, bgirling to name a few of her crafts. Her mind works like none other I've ever met. Sometimes it's hard for me to even grasp how the things that creep into her mind are manifested. It's both frightening and fascinating. Watching her create is such a treat. And when making creations with her it's hard to imagine how we get anything finished with the A.D.D. and bouts of uncontrollable laughter. Without her I wouldn't fully realize my own sense of creativity. Srrrsly.

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